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healing of their wounds, to behold a brazen serpent " set" "up for a sign," [1] which was the figure of this Saviour. Or it might have sufficed only to touch it with the hand, as the woman that had the issue of blood was made whole by touching only the hem of His garment; [2] and to give me but this liberty were an over-great honour. But the charity of this great God was not contented with this, but He will also join Himself to me with the most entire and penetrating union that any corporeal thing can join itself to man; for, in the form of food, He enters in at my mouth, passes through my throat, and makes His dwelling and habitation within my breast, so long as the species of the sacrament remain; and so renews that famous miracle of which the prophet Jeremias spoke: "The Lord hath created a new thing upon the earth." "Fsemina circumdabit virum;" "A woman shall compass within her a perfect man" [3] in wisdom and sanctity, which is Christ; for every day, whatever woman or other person communicates, bears within them for that time this man, perfect in age, and as great and beautiful as He is in heaven.

2. But this will seem a much greater wonder to me if I consider the vileness of the person that bears it within him, and the baseness and exceeding straitness of the house into which He enters.

Colloquy. — O Sovereign new man, celestial Adam, what new inventions of love are these that Thou makest to cherish me? Knowest Thou peradventure into what house thou enterest? Behold what I am, a vessel of iniquity, a cave of basilisks, and a house of perdition. Then why wilt thou enter into so vile a harbour, or how dare I entertain Thee there? My tongue is a world of impieties, how shall I touch with it Him that is the fountain of all good? My throat is a sink of gluttony and drunkenness, then how shall

  1. Num. xxi. 9; Joan. iii. 14.
  2. Luc. viii. 44.
  3. Jer. xxxi. 22.