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"Our Father," of the eight beatitudes, of the seven stations, in which is consummated the whole passion of Christ our Lord, of the seven words that He spake upon the cross; and they may easily make choice of seven parables, or seven of His most notable miracles, for the seven days of the week.

iii. Those who treat of union in the unitive life will find meditations of the seven divine attributes, in which principally this union is fed; — that is to say, bounty, charity, mercy, immensity, wisdom, omnipotence, and providence. And if they will meditate God's benefits they will find meditations of the works that Almighty God did the first six days of the world and his rest upon the seventh day; also of the seven rewards of glory which Christ our Lord declared in His sermon of the beatitudes, and those which He promised the seven bishops in the Apocalypse. And after this manner they will find various meditations of the most blessed sacrament and of our blessed Lady the Virgin, and for the fifteen mysteries of the rosary. All which they may easily seek in the tables of contents prefixed to each of the volumes.

4. Finally, every one part of the six parts which this book has, in which are divers meditations with different manners of praying and contemplating, is like a banquet of many and different meats, dressed after many and divers fashions, which are set upon the table, not that every one that is invited should eat of all, although he may make a trial of all, but that he should eat principally of that meat that gives him most relish, or which is most agreeable to his complexion or necessity, leaving the rest for others that shall find relish where he finds it not, because they have another complexion or necessity different from his. For it would be a great ignorance in this matter to seek to lead all after that form of praying that suits me, contemning those that