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Cœli enarrant.

Also by Godescalcus. Written for the Festival of the Division of the Apostles (July 16.)

1. The Heavens declare the glory of the Son of God, the Incarnate Word, made Heavens from earth.

2. For this glory befitteth that Lord alone

3. Whose Name is the Angel of the Great Counsel.

4. This Counsel, the assistance of fallen man, is ancient, and profound, and true, made known to the Saints alone,

5. When this Angel, made Man of a woman, made an immortal out of a mortal; out of men, angels; out of earth, heaven.

6. This is the Lord God of Hosts, Whose angels sent into the earth are the Apostles.

7. To whom He exhibited Himself alive after His Resurrection by many arguments, announcing peace as the victor of death.