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16. Who made the worlds by the Word; Which Word was for us, in the end of the world, made Flesh:

17. This Word Which we preach, Christ crucified, Who liveth and reigneth, God in heaven.

18. These are the Heavens which, O Christ, Thou inhabitest; in whose words Thou thunderest; in whose deeds Thou lightenest; in whose grace Thou sendest Thy dew:

19. To these Thou hast said: Drop down, O ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the Just One; let the earth be opened and bud.

20. Raise up a Righteous Branch, Thou Who causest our earth to bring forth, sowing it with the seed of Apostolic words: through whose words grant, O Lord, that we, holding the Word of the Father, may bring forth fruit to Thee, O Lord, in patience.

21. These are the Heavens which Thou, Angel of the great Counsel, inhabitest, whom Thou callest not servants, but friends; to whom Thou tellest all things that Thou hast heard from the Father.