Page:Meet the Communists (Flynn).djvu/8

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and reviled the people's movement of Greece, Indonesia, and Yugoslavia.

The American delegation wielded its own "Big Stick." And it was not in the interest of the new democracies, the struggles of the colonial peoples for independence, the need to maintain world peace. No phrases of democracy and "internal good will" can hide the fact that American imperialism has embarked on a reactionary course in world affairs. Out to dominate the world, American imperialism uses its great wealth and power to blackmail the peoples everywhere. Witness its "get tough" policy with our great Soviet ally. Witness its record in the occupied zone of Germany—where it resists every step toward the de-nazification of Germany and the destruction of the monopoly holdings of the fascist industrialists. Witness its intervention in China—where it uses the strength of its armed forces on the side of Chiang Kai-shek to prevent the democratic unification of China. And today, these troops remain to encourage the reactionary Kuomintang clique to sabotage and fight the recently concluded Kuomintang-Communist-Democratic League unity pact. Everywhere—in all parts of the world—it sides with the decadent imperialist anti-democratic groupings against the new democratic aims of the people. Thanks to such performances as these, the "reservoir of good will" toward the U.S.A. is running low.

Poor and stripped of all resources, countries laid bare by fascism struggle to recover by their own efforts, apprehensive the American "aid" will give the predatory American capitalists mortgages on their countries and drives a hard bargain not sure how to capture the world in its oyster.


The American people have the duty to challenge every step of Big Business toward world domination. What Big Business does to help fascism in Spain and Greece should cause Americans to most serious concern.

What capitalism is doing here in the U.S.A. to us and our children right now is also a forerunner of possible fascist development. Take a rapid glance around. What a mess capi-