Page:Meier - The Art of German Cooking and Baking.djvu/355

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fully pour the juice off the settlings, add to each cup of juice one cup of sugar, put in vanilla as much as you like and boil the whole to jelly, which will take about 10 minutes. Pour it into glasses or jars, when cold, cover with a brandy paper and close up tightly.


  • 8 lbs. of quinces
  • 4 qts of water
  • 4 tbsps. of lemon juice
  • 4 lbs. of sugar
  • Brandy paper

Preparation: The preparation is the same as that of apple jelly. See No. 44, Apple Jelly.


  • 1 lb. of peaches
  • ¾ lb. of sugar
  • ¾ cup of water
  • Brandy paper

Preparation: The peaches are peeled very thin, cut into pieces and boiled in the water until soft. Rub through a sieve. Moisten the sugar with water and boil 5 minutes, skim it, add the fruit and boil 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour it into glasses or jars, cover with a brandy paper when cold and close up the glasses or jars tightly.

Remarks: You can add to the marmalade some kernels of peaches and cut the peaches into very small pieces without rubbing them through a sieve. Through the long cooking much of the fruit flavor is lost.


  • 1 lb. of apricots
  • ¾ lb. of sugar
  • ¾ cup of water
  • Brandy paper

The preparation is the same as that of peach marmalade. See No. 47, Peach Marmalade.


  • 1 lb. of large, blue plums
  • ½ lb. of sugar, scant
  • ½ cup of water

Preparation: Peel and stone the plums, then slice into narrow strips. Boil the sugar and water 1 minute, skim, add the sliced plums and boil until soft and thick but not mushy. Then fill them^ into glasses or jars, cover with a brandy paper and close them up tightly.


  • 1 lb. of raspberries
  • ¾ cup of sugar
  • Brandy paper

The preparation of raspberry marmalade is the same as that of strawberry marmalade. See No. 38, Strawberry Marmalade.