Page:Mein Kampf (Stackpole Sons).pdf/159

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labor. Peoples which succeed in creeping in among the rest of mankind like drones, letting the others work for them under various pretexts, can form states without any definitely bounded life-room of their own. This is true particularly of that people from whose parasitism, today more than ever, the whole of honest humanity is suffering—Jewry.

The Jewish State has never been spatially limited, but universally unlimited in territory, while limited to the inclusion of one race. Hence this people has always formed a state within the states. It is one of the most brilliant tricks ever invented to have this State sail under the colors of a “religion,” and thus to assure it of the toleration which the Aryan is always ready to allow to a religious persuasion. For the Mosaic religion is in fact nothing but a doctrine for the preservation of the Jewish race. This is why it includes almost every field of sociological, political and economic knowledge which could possibly serve that purpose.

The instinct for preservation of the species is the original cause of the formation of human communities. But that means that the state is a popular organism, and not an economic organization. Great as the difference is, it is quite incomprehensible to the so-called “statesmen” of today. They consequently think they can build up the state by purely economic means, whereas in reality the state results only from the employment of those qualities connected with the will of species and race to survive. But these qualities are always heroic virtues, never the egoism of a tradesman, for after all the survival of a species presupposes readiness to sacrifice the individual. The words of the poet, “And if you do not stake your lives, life shall never be your prize,” signify that the surrender of personal existence is necessary to assure the survival of the species. But the most essential prerequisite for the formation and maintenance of a state is the existence of a certain feeling of community on the basis of like character and species, along with the willingness to back it by every means. With people on their own soil this leads to the creation of heroic virtues, with parasites it leads to lying hy-