Page:Mein Kampf (Stackpole Sons).pdf/175

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The World War

I knew the nature of the broad masses well enough to realize that “æsthetic” loftiness was no way to fan the flames necessary to keep the iron hot. I thought people were crazy when they did nothing to raise the boiling heat of passion; but that they even restrained what luckily existed I simply could not understand.

The second thing that annoyed me was the attitude it was thought proper to adopt toward Marxism. In my eyes people merely proved by this that they had not the slightest conception of that pestilence. They seemed to believe in good earnest that by declaring they no longer recognized any parties they had brought Marxism to reason and restraint.

It is not a matter of party, but of a doctrine which is bound to lead to the utter destruction of humanity; but this was understood the less because it is not taught at our judaized universities; and all too many, particularly among our higher civil servants, have been so trained in silly prejudice that they do not think it worth the trouble to pick up a book, and learn something not in the curriculum of their college. The most complete upheavals passed over these “heads” without a trace, which is the reason why state institutions usually limp behind private ones.

Heaven knows the German proverb is truer of them than of anyone else: What the peasant doesn’t know, he won’t eat. A few exceptions but prove the rule.

It was unparalleled nonsense to identify the German workman with Marxism in August of 1914. At that time the German workman had freed himself from the embrace of this poisonous epidemic, or he could never even have prepared to take part in the struggle. But people were stupid enough to think that now perhaps Marxism had become “national.” This was a stroke of genius which only goes to show that for many long years none of these official steersmen of the State had ever thought it worth the trouble to study the nature of the doctrine; otherwise such an insane idea could hardly have survived.

Marxism, whose final goal is and always will be the destruction of all non-Jewish national states, was horrified to see that