Page:Memoir and poems of Phillis Wheatley, a native African and a slave.djvu/100

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poems of

But unavailing, frantic is the dream,
To hope thine aid without the aid of Him
Who gave thee birth, and taught thee where to flow,
And in thy waves his various blessings show.

May R——— return to view his native shore,
Replete with vigor not his own before;
Then shall we see with pleasure and surprise,
And own thy work, great Ruler of the skies!


On reading his Sermons on Daily Devotion, in which that duty is

recommended and assisted.

To cultivate in ev'ry noble mind
Habitual grace, and sentiments refined,
Thus while you strive to mend the human heart,
Thus while the heavenly precepts you impart,
Oh! may each bosom catch the sacred fire,
And youthful minds to Virtue's throne aspire!V

When God"s eternal ways you set in sight,
And Virtue shines in all her native light,
In vain would Vice her works conceal,
For Wisdom's eye pervades the sable veil.

Artists may paint the sun's effulgent rays,

But Amory's pen the brighter God displays: