Page:Memoir and poems of Phillis Wheatley, a native African and a slave.djvu/118

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poems of


To Mrs. S.W.

Adieu, New-England's smiling meads,
Adieu, the flow'ry plain;
I leave thine opening charms, O spring!
And tempt the roaring main.

In vain for me the flow'rets rise,
And boast their gaudy pride,
While here beneath the northern skies
I mourn for health denied.

Celestial maid of rosy hue,
Oh let me feel thy reign!
I languish till thy face I view,
Thy vanished joys regain.

Susannah mourns, nor can I bear
To see the crystal shower,
Or mark the tender falling tear,
At sad departure's hour;

Nor unregarding can I see
Her soul with grief opprest;
But let no sighs, no groans for me,
Steal from her pensive breast.

In vain the feathered warblers sing,

In vain the garden blooms,