Page:Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin. Records of a family of engineers.pdf/58

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round the corner. She was delighted for she saw no person killed, though many of the Municipals were. …

'I immediately went out with my papa (mamma had just come back with him) and went to the Place de la Concorde, There was an enormous quantity of troops in the Place. Suddenly the gates of the gardens of the Tuileries opened: we rushed forward, out gallopped an enormous number of cuirassiers, in the middle of which were a couple of low carriages, said first to contain the Count de Paris and the Duchess of Orleans, but afterwards they said it was the King and Queen; and then I heard he had abdicated. I returned and gave the news.

'Went out again up the Boulevards. The house of the Minister of Foreign Affairs was filled with people and "Hôtel du Peuple" written on it; the Boulevards were barricaded with fine old trees that were cut down and stretched all across the road. We went through a great many little streets, all strongly barricaded, and sentinels of the people at the principal of them, The streets were very unquiet, filled with armed men and women, for the troops had followed