Page:Memoir of a tour to northern Mexico.djvu/104

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[ 26 ]

A. sanguinea. These, together with a low scrubby oak tree, with small perennial leaves, were the only trees collected about Cosihuiriachi. A species of Juniperus, with red berries, a Thuja, and a small-leaved Cowania(?)[1] all of them in fruit, were also brought from there.

Between Chihuahua and Cosihuiriachi, but especially about the latter place, the porphyritic soil produced a number of Cactaceae, some strange Echinocacti, several Mammillariae, a few Opuntiae, and principally a great variety of Echinocerei. One of the latter is completely covered with stout and long spines;[2] another has short radiating spines, closely adpressed to the plant;[3] a third has short radiating spines, with single, stout black central ones, which project from the plant in all directions;[4] a fourth is distinguished by its longer and curved reddish radiating spines, with a stouter one projecting from their centre.[5] I have all of these in

  1. Cowania sp.? Shrubby; leaves crowded, small, cuneate three-toothed at apex, revolute, tomentose below, glabrous and glandular above, sweetscented; turbinate tube of calyx, as well as the oblong lobes, 1 line long; 25 stamens, persistent; about 5 woolly ovaries.—Compare below note 51.
  2. Echinocercus polyacanthus, n. sp., elongato-ovatus, 10-costatus; areolis elevatis, ovatis, subapproximatis, junioribus albido 4-tomentosis; aculeis radialibus 10-12 flavidis, apice adustis, plus minus porrectis; lateralibus majoribus, denum subadpressis, superioribus minoribus; centralibus sub-4 corneis, apice fuscis, 3 superioribus sursum versis, inferiore singulo longiore porrecto, demum deflexo.

    Cosihuiriachi.—Several oval stems, 4 to 5 inches high and 21/2 to 3 in diameter, from one base; upper radial spines 4 to 5, lateral and inferior 8 to 10, upper central 9 to 12, lower one 15 to 20 lines long. Spines at last ashy-gray.

  3. Echinocereus adustus, n. sp., ovatus, 13-15-costatus; areolis elevatis, lanceolatis, approximatis, junioribus albo-tomentosis; aculeis radialibus 16-18 adpressis, albis, apice adustis; 4-5 superioribus brevibus, setaceis, lateralibus inferioribusque longioribus, robustioribus, centrali nullo.

    Cosihuiriachi.—Plant 11/2 to 4 inches high, 1 to 2 in diameter; upper spines 1, lower about 2, and lateral 4 to 5 lines long.

  4. Echinocereus radians, n. sp., ovatus 13-14-costatus, areolis elevatis, ovatis, subapproximatis, junioribus albo villosis; aculeis radialibus 16-20 adpressis, junioribus apice adustis, superioribus brevibus setaceis, lateralibus inferioribusque longioribus robustioribus; centrali singulo porrecto, robusto, fusco.

    Cosihuiriachi.—21/2 inches high, 2 in diameter; upper radial spines 1 to 2, lower 3, lateral about 5 lines long; central spines brown or black, much stouter, 1 inch long.

  5. Echinocereus rufispinus, n. sp., elongato-ovatus, 11-costatus; areolis elevatis lanceolatis, approximatis, junioribus albido villosis; aculeis radialibus 16-18, demum adpressis, intertextis; 3-5 superioribus setaceis, brevibus, albidis; lateralibus elongate fuscis, recurvis, centrali singulo, brevifusco, porrecto.

    Cosihuiriachi.—Stem 4 inches high, below 2 in diameter; upper radial