Page:Memoir of a tour to northern Mexico.djvu/111

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[ 26 ]

Near San Pablo another Echinocereus[1] was found, and dried flowers as well as living specimens have safely arrived here. A large Echinocactus[2] was collected near Pelayo; unfortunately no flowers were seen; but the specimen brought to St Louis is so far in fine condition. Of another smaller, but most elegant species of the same genus,[3] Dr. Wis-

  1. Echinocereus enneacanthtis, n. sp., ovato-cylindricus 10-costatus; areolis elevatis, orbicularis, distantibus, junioribus breviter albo-tomentosis; aculeis angulatis, compressis, rectis, albis; radialibus 8 subaequalibus, centrali singulo longiore, demum deflexo; floris tubo pulvillis 30-35 albo-tomentosis setas spinescentes albidas fuscatasque inferioribus 6, superioribus 2-3 gerentibus stipato; sepalis interioribus 10-13 oblongo-linearibus, petalis 12-14 lineari-oblongis obtusis s. mucronatis, apice denticulatis; stigmatibus supra stamina brevia exsertis, 8-10 linearibus elongatis.

    Near San Pablo, south of Chihuahua; flowers in April. Plant 5 to 6 inches high, 3 to 4 in diameter; branching from the base; areolae about 1 inch distant from one another, spines stout, angular, like those of E. triglochidiatus, lateral spines 9 to 16, central one 18 to 22 lines long. -Flowers 21/2 to 3 inches long, red; spiny bristles in the axills of the lowest sepals (on the ovary) four brown 2 to 4 lines long, and two white 3 to 4 lines long; higher up the number of the brown bristles diminishes, and on the upper part of the tube we-find only two white bristles of 6 lines length in the axills.

  2. Echinocaclus flexispinus, n. sp., globosus, vertice subnudo, costis 13 obliquis, tuberculato subinterruptis; areolis ovatis, junioribus albotomentosis, distantibus; aculeis junioribus rubellis, demum cinereis; radialibus 9-11 rectis s. subflexuosis, superioribus teniuoribus, infimo breviori, curvato, lateralibus longioribus compressis annulatis, rectiusculis; centralibus 4 angulatis compressis annulatis, 3 superioribus rectiusculis s. curvatis, inferiore longissimo flexuoso, plerumque paulo uncinato, deflexo.

    Pelayo, between Chihuahua and Parras. The specimen before me is 10 inches high, and the same in diameter; ribs thick but not rounded; areolae (without the floriferous areolae, which are 3 to 4 lines long,) 6 lines long and 4 wide, 1 or 11/2 inch distant; upper spines the most slender, 11/4 to 41/2 inch long; lowest one 1 to 11/4 inch long, stouter; lateral spines 11/2 to 3 inches in length, slightly, and sometimes indistinctly annotated; upper central spines 21/2 to 4 inches long; lower spine stoutest, 4 to 5 inches long, mostly deflexed, often flexuous and twisted, more curved or even hooked at the extremity, much compressed, 4-angled, sharply carinate above and below, slightly annulated.

  3. Echinocactus unguispinus, n. sp., depresso-globosus, costis 21 mterruptis tuberculatis, areolis approximatis junioribus, albo-tomentosis; aculeis radialibus sub 21 tenuioribus, albidis, recurvis,intertextis, centralibus 5 (rarius 6) robustioribus, longioribus, corneis, sursum versis, singulo robustissimo, fusco deorsum flexo; floris ovario tuboque brevi sepalis membranaceis, auriculato-cordatis, fimbriatis stipato; petalis oblongis obtusis; stigmate brevissimo conico 10-15 sulcato, (s. partito?)

    About Pelayo, flowers in May. A very elegant plant; the specimen