Page:Memoir of the Reverend David Wilson (1).pdf/7

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But while he was a steady and decided Seceder, he breathed in private and in public a benevolent and catholic spirit,——took great delight in Bible and Missionary Societies,——rejoiced in the success of the gospel, by whomsoever it was preached, and fervently prayed with the Apostle, “Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus in sincerity.” In short, he was a steady and warm member of a party, but detested every thing like a narrow and party-spirit.

As a minister of the gospel, the divine and mediatorial glory of Christ, the wonders of his love, and the riches of his grace in saving sinners, and in bringing them to glory, according to the gracious purpose of the Father, and by the agency of the Holy Spirit, formed the great and leading subjects of his preaching, and gave peculiar richness and suitableness to his ministrations. His sermons were plain and scriptural; his style and manner of delivery, though by no means polished, were warm, animated, and full of natural eloquence, and never failed to interest the heart, and to increase the flame of Christian and devotional feeling. In dispensing the word of life, he took great pleasure in