Page:Memoirs James Hardy Vaux.djvu/85

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promoted to the rank of purser, through his interest. Of the rest, two or three were midshipmen who had also served nearly the limited term; one a toaster's mate, and the rest youngsters of different ages. The whole were of good families, and liberally supported by their friends; I was called upon to subscribe my monthly quota towards the mess, which was received by one of the senior members, acting as caterer; and a plentiful sea-stock of all necessary comforts was daily accumulating, preparatory to our approaching cruise in the North-sea, to which station the Astræa belonged.

About a week after my joining the ship, the captain came on board, received me very politely, and gave vote the best advice as to my future conduct. He was an old officer who had been at sea from his youth, possessed an excellent heart, and a most conciliating address, blended with the bluffness and unaffected good humour peculiar to seamen. He was advanced in years at the time I served under him; and I perceive by a late Navy List that his long and meritorious services have been rewarded with the post of Governor of the Naval Asylum, an institution which does honour to the country and the government that established it.