Page:Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds Vol 2.djvu/207

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Place de Greve.


Pescara. The like was never read of.
Stephano. In my judgment,
To all that shall but hear it, 'twill appear
A most impossible fable.
Pescara. Troth, I'll tell you,
And briefly as I can, by what degrees
They fell into this madness.—Duke of Milan.

The atrocious system of poisoning by poisons so slow in their operation as to make the victim appear, to ordinary observers, as if dying from a gradual decay of nature, has been practised in all ages. Those who are curious in the matter may refer to Beckmann on secret poisons, in his History of Inventions, in which he has collected several instances of it from the Greek and Roman writers. Early in the sixteenth century the crime seems to have gradually increased, till in the seventeenth it spread over Europe like a pestilence. It was often exercised by pretended witches and sorcerers, and finally became a branch of education amongst all who laid any claim to magical and supernatural arts. In the twenty-first year of Henry VIII. an act was passed rendering it high treason. Those found guilty of it were to be boiled to death.