Page:Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds Vol 2.djvu/333

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i. 185, 183; his belief in magnetism as a remedy for disease, 264.

Knight, ——, Treasurer of the South-Sea Company, his apprehension and escape, i. 76.

Knox, John, portrait of; accused of witchcraft, ii. 128.

Koffstky, a Polish alchymist, i. 136.

Labourt, France, 200 witches executed, ii. 166.

La Chataigneraie and De Jarnac, their famous duel, ii. 273.

La Chaussée, the accomplice of Madame de Brinvilliers, his execution, ii. 212.

Lady-day, superstitions on, i. 258.

Lamb, Dr., the poisoner, attacked and killed in the streets (engraving), ii. 202.

"Lancashire witches" executed, ii. 141.

Laski, Count Albert, his reception by Queen Elizabeth, his studies in alchymy, i. 155; is victimised by Dee and Kelly, 157.

Lavigoreux and Lavoisin, the French poisoners executed, ii. 215.

Law, J., projector of the Mississippi scheme, his romantic history, i. 1; his house in the Rue de Quincampoix, Paris (engraving), i. 13.

Law, Wm., his participation in the Mississippi scheme, i. 9, 42.

Le Blanc, the Abbé, on the popularity of Great Thieves, ii. 251.

Lennox, Col., his duel with the Duke of York, ii. 293.

Liège, Madame de Brinvilliers arrested there, ii. 213.

Lille, singular charges of witchcraft at, ii. 169.

Lilly, the astrologer, account of, i. 243.

Lipsius, his passion for tulips, i. 86.

London, the plague of 1665, i. 228; inundation prophesied in 1524, i. 228; the Great Fire, 230. (See also Cagliostro, Change Alley, Cornhill, Merchant Taylors' Hall, Tower, Westminster.)

Longbeard, William, cause of his name, i. 300.

Longsword, William (engraving), joins the ninth Crusade, ii. 91.

Loudun, the curate of, executed for witchcraft, ii. 168.

Louis VII. cuts short his hair, and loses his queen, i. 299; joins the Crusaders, ii. 53; is consecrated at St. Denis, 55; reaches Constantinople and Nice, 58; his conflicts with the Saracens, 59; arrival at Jerusalem, 60; his sincerity as a Crusader, 61; returns to France, 62.

Louis IX. undertakes the ninth Crusade, ii. 90; his valour at the battle of Massoura, 94; taken prisoner, 94; his ransom and return, 94; his second Crusade, 95; effigy of (engraving), 220.

Louis XI., his encouragement of astrologers, i. 246.

Louis XIII., prevalence of duelling in his reign, ii. 280.

Louis XIV., his bigotry and extravagance, i. 5, 6; remonstrated with by his Parliament on his leniency to supposed witches, ii. 171; portrait of, 177; establishes the "chambre ardente" for the trial of poisoners, 214, 283; his horoscope, 249; his severe edict against duelling, 283.

Louis XV., his patronage of the Court St. Germain, i. 201, 204.

"Loup-garou" executed in France, ii. 120.

Loutherbourg, the painter, his alleged cures by animal magnetism, i. 288.

Lulli, Raymond, a famous alchymist, his romantic history, with portrait, i. 105; his treatment by Edward II., 135.

Lyons, view of, ii. 160.

Macartney, General, second to Lord Mohun, his trial for murder, ii. 292.

Mackenzie, Sir George, portrait of, ii. 138; his enlightened views on witchcraft, 137.

Macnamara and Montgomery, frivolous cause of their fatal duel, ii. 297.

Magnetisers, the, i. 262-295; effect of imagination in the cure of diseases, i. 262, 272. Mineral Magnetism: Paracelsus its first professor, 263; diseases transplanted to the earth; Kircher; "weapon-salve," 264; controversy on its merits, 265; Sir Kenelm Digby's "powder of sympathy," 266; other delusions, 268. Animal Magnetism: wonderful cures by Valentine Greatraks, i. 269-272; Francisco Bagnoni, Van Helmont, Gracian, Baptista Porta, &c., 272; Wirdig, Maxwell, 273; the convulsionaires of St. Medard, i. 273; Father Hell, 274; Anthony Mesmer, his history and theory, 275; Mesmer, 276-283; D'Eslon adopts his views, 278, 280, 281; encouragement to depravity afforded by his experiments, 282, 293; exposures by MM. Dupotet and Bailly, 279, 281; Marquis de Puysegur, 283; Chevalier de Barbarin, 286; Mainauduc, Holloway, Loutherbourg, 287, 288; Perkins's "Metallic Tractors" exposed by Dr. Haygarth, 289; absurd theories of Deleuze, 291; the Abbé Faria, fallacies of the theory of, 294.

Mainauduc, Dr., his experiments in animal magnetism, i. 287.

Malta, its singular laws on duelling, ii. 284.

Mansfield, Lord, trial of the "Cock-lane Ghost" conspirators before him, ii. 234.

Manuel Comnenus, his treatment of the Crusaders, ii. 56, 58, 59.

Marie Antoinette, history of the diamond necklace, i. 216-220.

Marlborough, Duke of, his duel with Earl Pawlet, ii. 289.

Massaniello, relics of his fate treasured by the populace, ii. 305.

Massoura, battle of, the Saracens defeated, ii. 94.

Mayer, Michael, his report on the Rosicrucian doctrines, i. 168.

Maxwell, William, the magnetiser, i. 273.

Medicis, Catherine di, her encouragement of astrologers, i. 246.

Medici family, predictions respecting them, i. 247.

Merchant Taylors' Hall, view of gateway, i. 62.

Merlin, his pretended prophecies, i. 232; his miraculous birth, 236; Spenser's description of his cave, 237.