Page:Memoirs of Henry Villard, volume 2.djvu/414

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V., 1: 72; employment as canrasser and correspondent, go, 91. Union Pacific R. R., contest with V. and Kansas Pacific, 2 : 281 ; negotiations with him for Columbia River connection, 284; assent, 302; leases Oregon system, 327; futile negotiations with Northern Pacific, 328, 329 ; contest for Oregon & Transcon tinental, 330; buys stock of Oregon R. R. & Navigation Co., 332. Utassy, Colonel d , 1 : 174. Vallandigham, Clement L., 2 : 59, 201. Vaughan, John C., 1 : 103. Villard, Henry (1835-1900), Birth and bap tismal name, 1 : i ; ancestry, 1-3 ; boyhood home, 3 ; effect of Revolution on his edu cation, 4, 5 ; schooling at Phalsbourg, 6 ; university studies, 7 ; runs away to Amer ica, 8 (1853) Lands in New York, n; starts West, 16; experiences in Philadel phia, 17; in Pittsburg, 19; in Cincinnati, 20-22 ; in Indiana, 22, 23 ; in Chicago, 23-26; in St. Louis, 26, 27; reaches Belle ville, 111., 27; sojourns there with relatives, 28-35 (1854-55) Lawyer s clerk at Car- lyle, 111., 37-41 ; reads law in Belleville, 42, 43, and in Peoria, 111., 44-47; writes for the Belleville Zeituttg, 46 (1855) Book canvasser in Milwaukee, 47-50 ; real-estate salesman in Chicago, 50-52 ; interest in local election, 51 ; scheme for German free- soil colony in Kansas, Eastern mission, 52- 59 ; interviews with Senators Trumbull and Douglas in Washington, 54, 55 ; with W. D. Kelley and Francis M. Drexel in Phila delphia, 55, 56; acquaintance with Col. Blenker, Dr. Hexamer, and Friedrich Kapp in New York, 56, 58 ; meets John C. Fre"- mont, 59 ; edits Republicanized Volksblatt in Racine, Wis., 59-67 ; organizes German Republican club and speaks in Presiden tial campaign, 63 ; becomes Western politi cal correspondent of N. Y. Neue Zeit, 63, 64, 68, 731; assumes ownership of Volksblatt, 65; fails, 66 (I85&-57) Writes for Racine Daily A dvocate, 68 ; obtains new land charter at Madison, 69; makes acquain tance, in New York, of Dana, Raymond, and Hudson, 71, and of Mrs. Uhl of the Staats-Zeitung, 72; writes for that paper and for Frank Leslie s, 73 ; Western mis sion for Tribune, with aid from Thurlow Weed, 73-78 ; pleasure journeys in Minne sota, 76, 77, and visit to Senator Shields,

district teacher in Jonestown, Pa., 80-

89 (1857-58) Western subscription can vasser for Staats-Zeitung, 89-91, and correspondent in Lincoln-Douglas cam paign, 91-98; interview with Douglas, 92 ; introduction to Lincoln, 93 ; acquaintance with Horace White and R. R. Hitt, 95 ; freight-car talk with Lincoln, 96 (1858) Legislative/eporter for Cincinnati Commer cial, 98 ; expelled from floor of Indiana Legislature, 99 ; special Pike s Peak gold- fields reporter for Commercial, 99-132; by first stage from Leavenworth to Cherry Creek, 106-114; excursion to Fort Scott, 107; encounters buffalo herds, no; canni bal emigrants, 112; at Cherry Creek (Den ver), 115-133; visits Gregory Gulch, 119- 122 ; joined at Denver by Horace Greeley and A. D. Richardson, 122, and accom panies them to Gregory Gulch, 125 ; wit nesses growth of Denver, 128-131 ; journey eastward, 132-135; meets Lincoln on the prairie, 134; prepares Guide to Pike s Peak, 132, 135 (1859) Reports Chicago Repub lican Convention for Cincinnati Commer cial, 136-138; campaign reporter for it and for Missouri Democrat and N. Y. Tribune, 138 ; reporter near Lincoln at Springfield, 111., for N. Y. Herald, 140-149 (1860-61) With Presidential party journeying to New York, 149-152 ; meets Nicolay and Hay, 141; study of Lincoln, 142-148, 152; re ports his farewell to Springfield, 149; re porter in Washington for Cincinnati Com mercial and Chicago Tribune, 153, and telegraphic reporter for N. Y. Herald, 153 ; witnesses Lincoln s inauguration, 157; summoned to New York by James Gordon Bennett, 161-163; return to Washington obstructed by rebel bridge-burning in Maryland, 163-166; news-getting from Cabinet officers, 171-173; visits to the camps, 173-175; offered a military commis sion, 177; preparation for field correspon dent, 178; interviews with Gen. Scott, 178; at McDowell s headquarters, Capt. Fry, 182 ; joins advance on Bull Run, 183 ; under fire with Stedman and House, 185 ; back to Centreville, 186, 192-196; in the rout to Washington, 196-198; sends first despatch of disaster to N. Y. Herald, 198, 199; sent to Kentucky by the Herald, zoo; intercourse with Gen. W. T. Sherman, 209-212 ; private letter about him misused by Cincinnati Commercial, 212; obtains