Page:Memoirs of Vidocq, Volume 3.djvu/155

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"All right, here you both are. Corporal, take four men with you, and conduct these ladies to the prefecture." This order was given conformably to a note I had sent to the serjeant on going out to get the brandy; it was thus written:—

"Monsieur the officer on guard will send under sure and good escort, to the prefecture of police, the females Sophie Lambert and Lise Domer, apprehended by order of M. le Préfet."

These ladies must have made singular reflections, and doubtless guessed that I was wearied with being made their plaything. Be that as it may, I went to see them at the depot next day, and asked them what they thought of the trick?

"Not bad," replied Sophie, "not bad; we had not stolen though." Then addressing Lise, "It is your fault; why did you pretend to seek for a man who was already caught?"

"Did I know it? Ah, if I had, I promise you——besides, what do you mean? he is caught, and they can accuse him."

"That is all very fine: but tell us, Jules, how long will they keep us at Saint Lazare?'*

"Six months at least."

"Only that?" they cried out together.

"Six months is nothing," added Sophie; "it is soon passed. Well, my sweet lad, we are at the disposal of the préfet."

They had a month less than I had told them, and as soon as they were at liberty, came to bring me fresh informations; and this time they were true. One remarkable peculiarity is, that female thieves are usually more incorrigible than males. Sophie Lambert could never persuade herself to renounce her habitual crime. From the age of ten she had entered on the career of theft; and when only twenty-five years of age had spent more than a third of her life in prison.

A short time after my entrance into the service of the police I apprehended her, and she was sentenced to