Page:Memoirs of a Huguenot Family.djvu/322

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and without these it would be vain for any person to pretend that he doth in any measure comply with the duty in the text, though it doth not rest here, but manifests itself.

Secondly, In external acts and expressions of honor suitable to them. To have such high thoughts of his infinite power and greatness, as to make us dread and stand in awe of him; such apprehensions of his justice as to make us fear offending him; such an esteem of his wisdom as to cause us to admire him; and such a sense of his goodness, as to put us upon all acts of adoring and worshipping him, and to influence our whole behavior with regard to him and our neighbor. This the Psalmist styles, the giving unto God the honor that is due to his name, and worshipping him with a holy worship. Now, as this duty cannot be any where performed with such advantage as where the faithful are assembled together for that purpose, let us, therefore, with the royal prophet, take all opportunities to give thanks unto God, in the great congregation, and praise him among much people; and not only so, but let us, as we are in duty bound, and by promise engaged, miss no opportunity of assembling ourselves together, upon the days which we have set apart for returning our most hearty and unfeigned thanks for the great deliverances vouchsafed to our family, and glorify, and thank, and praise God with one heart and one mouth.

And this leads unto the second thing I proposed to speak to; to wit. the manner of performing this duty implied in these words of the text, where we have the unanimity that is to be observed in our devotions. To excite and encourage us to this, we have many precepts both in the Old and New Testament. Holy David calls upon the the people to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; that is, with a comely order