Page:Memoirs of a Huguenot Family.djvu/486

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deliver them in, shall be condemned to the penalty, for presenting false accounts. And where there shall appear in accounts formerly given in to have been erasures made or entries introduced, the said parts shall be entirely restored as before, in virtue of these presents, without requiring special letters or any thing more than the production of an extract from the present article.

81st.—There shall be no claim upon Governors, Captains, Consuls, or persons appointed to collect funds for paying the garrisons of places held by those of the said religion, which our Parochial Receivers and Collectors, either by constraint or in obedience to command of the Paymasters, furnished by loan upon their notes or bonds, for the support of the said garrisons; as much as comes to what we concluded to place on the roll at the commencement of the year 1596, and the increase since granted by us. The said parties shall be free from all claim for what was paid for the above purpose, even if not expressly specified upon the notes and bonds, which shall be returned to them as null. And, in order to accomplish this discharge, the paymasters in each district shall make the individual Receivers of our taxes give receipts to the said Collectors, and the Receivers-general shall give receipts to the individual Receivers: for the release of the Receivers-general, there will be the sums of which they will have kept account, as much as it is said to be, endorsed upon the orders issued by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, under the names of the Paymasters-General for the payment of the said garrisons, and where the said orders do not amount to as much as our said establishment of the year 1596, and the subsequent addition to it, we command that fresh orders shall be given for the amount necessary to release those responsible for it, and to recover said promissory notes and bonds, so that there may not hereafter be any claim upon those who gave them. All papers requisite for confirming the discharge of the accountable parties shall be executed in virtue of the present article.

82d.—Likewise, those of said religion must forbear and desist from all devices, negotiations and correspondence, as well within as without our kingdom; and the assemblies formed in the provinces must be dissolved immediately; all leagues and associations formed, or to be formed, under any pretext whatsoever, contrary to our present Edict, shall be broken and annulled, as we do break and annul such; we expressly forbid all our subjects from this day forth, holding clubs, raising money without permission, making fortifica-