Page:Memoirs of a Huguenot Family.djvu/492

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religion shall be re-established in the town of Montagnac in Languedoc.

6th.—The following plan has been decided upon, for the execution of the article upon bailiwicks. Firstly, for the establishment of the exercise of the said religion, in the two places granted in each Bailiwick, Presidency or Government, those of the said religion shall name two cities, in the faubourgs of which, the said exercise shall be established by the Commissioners, his Majesty shall appoint for the execution of the Edict. And in cases where the Commissioners shall not approve, those of the said religion shall name two or three villages near to the said cities, from which the Commissioners shall make choice of one. And if from war or pestilence, or other actual impediment, the religious exercise cannot be carried on in the appointed places, others may be named for use during the continuance of the impediment. Secondly, there shall only be two cities named within the government of Picardy, in the faubourgs of which the exercise of said religion may be allowed, for the Bailiwicks, Presidencies, and Governments dependent upon it: and where it may not be convenient to allow it in the faubourgs of the cities, two villages may be selected. Thirdly, in consideration of the great extent of the Presidency of Provence, and the Bailiwick of Viennois, His Majesty grants permission for the exercise of said religion in a third place, which shall be selected according to the above provisions, and shall be in addition to the places where the exercise already exists.

7th.—That which is granted by the said article, for the exercise of the said religion within the Bailiwicks, shall extend to the lands owned by the late Queen, the mother-in-law of His Majesty, and to the Bailiwick of Beaujolois.

8th.—In addition to the two places granted for the exercise of the said religion, by the private articles of the year 1577, in the Isles of Marennes and Oleron, two others shall be granted, for the convenience of the inhabitants: that is to say, one for all the Isles of Marennes, and one for Oleron.

9th.—The octroi or toll upon provisions granted by His Majesty, for the exercise of said religion in the city of Mets, shall take full effect.

10th.—It is the will and pleasure of His Majesty, that the 27th article of his Edict, relating to the eligibility for official Dignity of persons of the pretended Reformed religion, shall be understood