Page:Memoirs of a Huguenot Family.djvu/508

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Church, which proceeding causes scandalous disorders to religion, and is forbidden by the laws of the land, and is contrary to public decorum; for, as the said shambles are in the Grand Square, and have two large and two small doors, one large one opening upon the said Grand Square, on the road between the two streets leading from one gate of the city to the other, and forming the main entrance and exit to and from the Kingdom, the other large door of the said public shambles being exactly opposite to the Church of the R. P. Jesuits, strangers passing through the city on their first arrival in the Kingdom, or their departure from it, may well doubt if it be a Catholic place at all, perceiving indications like these of its being the contrary, which causes shame to decent people, and by which Catholics, French and foreign, are struck with horror, and the zeal and piety of a whole community is extremely scandalized, since it is the only city in the Kingdom where such an abuse is tolerated. Besides this, the inhabitants being part of them of the one religion and part of the other, having grown up together, lived and traded with one another, Catholics are to be found whose habits and manners partake of the same intermingling as their interests and their commerce, and they actually go, in the most unscrupulous manner, to the public shambles, they buy and they eat animal food during Lent and upon other prohibited days. The same scandal spreads to the Pork butchers. Poulterers, Pastry Cooks, Tavern-keepers, and others, who all sell meat, poultry and game, freely, openly and with impunity, in their shops or their houses at all times and to all sorts of persons, without distinction: which disorders having been provided against by Proclamations and Decrees of the Council of State which supersede the general laws throughout the Kingdom, and, in consequence, the said Attorney-General has applied to us to have them kept, observed, and executed within our jurisdiction: We, therefore, in conformity with this requisition, expressly forbid all Butchers, Pastry Cooks, Pork butchers. Poulterers, &c., alike Catholics or of the pretended Reformed religion, to expose, retail or sell meat or game of any kind whatever, either in the said public shambles or in their private shops during Lent, or on any other days when the use of meat is forbidden by the Church, making a reservation, only, for the sale of it privately to persons of the pretended Reformed religion, with the express understanding that they shall not be permitted to furnish or give tie same to any Catholic, under any circumstances or for any pretext whatsoever. Nevertheless,