Page:Memoirs of a Huguenot Family.djvu/513

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ential considerations, we have said and declared, and we do say and declare, by these presents, signed with our own hand, that henceforth, it is our will and pleasure that our said subjects of the pretended Reformed religion, as well male as female, having attained the age of seven years, may lawfully be received to abjure the said pretended Reformed religion, without permitting their fathers, mothers, or any other relation to put any impediment in the way, under any pretext whatsoever, annulling, for this purpose, as much as may be necessary of our said Declaration of the first day of February, 1669. It is our will also, that the newly converted children, of the age of seven years, shall have the full benefit of our Declaration of the fourteenth day of October, 1665, and, in conformity with that, they shall have free choice, after their conversion, either to return to their parents, and be maintained at home, or to go elsewhere, and require from them an allowance for support, proportioned to their condition and means, which allowance the said fathers and mothers shall be obliged to pay, quarterly, to their children, and in case of refusal, they shall be forced to do it, by all suitable and reasonable means. Whereas we have been informed, that several of our subjects, of the said pretended Reformed religion, have sent their children for education to foreign countries, where they may imbibe sentiments contrary to the fidelity due to us and to the State from their birth; we enjoin it upon them expressly to send for their children home without delay. And for those who are possessed of real property, they shall forfeit the whole income the first year, and half of it, every year afterwards, until they recall their children. Those who have not real property, shall be fined in proportion to their means, and the said penalties of income and fine shall be in force year after year, until the children return home. "We prohibit henceforth any of our subjects of said pretended Reformed religion, from sending their children to foreign countries, for education, under sixteen years of age, without our express permission, under pain of the punishments above-named.

This command is given to our trusty and well-beloved Councillors, &c., &c., &c.
Given at Versailles, this 17th day of June, and year of grace, 1681, and of our reign the 39th.

Signed, LOUIS

On the fold. By the King. Colbert.
Sealed with the great seal with yellow wax.