Page:Memoirs of a Huguenot Family.djvu/517

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ligion, who are not willing to be converted and to embrace the Apostolical Roman Catholic religion, to depart from our Kingdom and Territories within fifteen days after the publication of our present Edict, without being permitted to remain beyond that time, nor during the said fifteen days can they be allowed to preach, exhort or perform other functions, under penalty of the galleys.

5. We wish those of said Ministers who shall be converted, to continue in the enjoyment for life, and their widows after them, so long as they remain in the state of widowhood, of the same exemption from tax and the quartering upon them of soldiers that they enjoyed while performing the functions of the Ministry; and besides this, we shall order pensions to be paid to the said Ministers for life, amounting to one-third more than the sum they received as Ministers; the half of which pension shall be continued to their widows after their death, so long as they remain widows.

6. If any of the said Ministers desire to become Advocates or to take the degree of Doctor of Laws, we would have it understood that the three years of study prescribed by our Proclamations, shall be dispensed with in their case, and after having been submitted to examination in the usual way, and being judged competent, they may be received as Doctors upon paying only half the fees that are usually collected on such occasions in each University.

7. We prohibit private schools for the instruction of children of the pretended Reformed religion, and generally, every thing whatever that could be construed as a concession, in any sort of way, in favor of the said religion.

8. With regard to the children of those of the said pretended Reformed religion, we desire that henceforth they be baptised by the Cure of the Parish. We enjoin the fathers and mothers to send the children to Church for the purpose, under penalty of the payment of a fine of 500 livres, or more if it lapses; and afterwards, the children shall be brought up in the Apostolic Roman Catholic religion. We desire the Magistrates of the place to pay particular attention to this point.

9. And to evince our clemency towards those of said pretended Reformed religion who have gone out of our Kingdom and Territories before the publication of this, our Edict, we wish to have it understood that in case they come back within four months from the date of the said publication, they may, and it is quite open to them to resume possession of their property, and enjoy it as entire-