Page:Memoirs of a Huguenot Family.djvu/520

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I confess that there is a Purgatory in which the souls that are detained may be benefited by the good works and prayers of the faithful.

I avow that we ought to honor and invoke the blessed Saints, male and female, who are reigning with Jesus Christ and offering their prayers for us, and that we ought to venerate their holy relics.

As also that we ought to have and to retain images of Jesus Christ and of his blessed and always Virgin Mother, and the other Saints, male and female, rendering to them the honor and reverence that is their due.

I confess that Jesus Christ bequeathed to his Church the power of granting Indulgences, and that its use is very beneficial to Christian people.

I recognize the Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church as the Mother and Head of all Churches.

I promise and swear true obedience to the Pope and Holy Father of Rome, Successor of St. Peter, Chief and Prince of the Apostles, and Vicar of Jesus Christ.

I approve without any doubt, and I make profession of all that has been decided, determined and declared by the Holy Canons and General Councils, and especially by the Holy Council of Trent, and I reject, condemn, and anathematize all that is contrary to them, and all heresies condemned, rejected, and anathematized by the Church.

I, A. B., promise, vow, and swear, upon the Holy Evangelists, to persevere entirely and inviolably until I draw my latest breath, by the aid of God's grace, in maintaining this Catholic Faith, out of which there is no salvation and no one can be saved, and which now I make profession of without any constraint, and, as far as may be possible, I will cause to be held, kept, observed, and professed by all those over whom I have charge in my house and my station of life.

Therefore, God and the Holy Evangelists, on whom I swear and make oath, helping me, giving my hand to N., and in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, &c., &c., &c.