Page:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1749, vol. 2).pdf/106

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Memoirs of a

having, by speaking to him, given him encouragement and means of following me home, and after giving Mrs. Cole direction when to bring herself the things home, and the time he should expect them at, he went out, taking with him some goods, that he paid for liberally, for the better grace of his introduction.

The girls all this time did not in the least smoak the mystery of this new customer, but Mrs. Cole, as soon as we were conveniently alone, insur'd me, in virtue of her long experience in these matters, that for this bout my charms had not miss'd fire, for that by his eagerness, his manner, and looks, she was sure he had it; the only point now in doubt was his character, and circumstances, which her knowledge of the town would soon gain her sufficient acquaintance with, to take her measures upon.

And effectively, in a few hours, her intelligence serv'd her so well, that she learn'd that this conquest of mine was no other than Mr. Norbert, a gentleman originally of a
