Page:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1749, vol. 2).pdf/129

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Woman of Pleasure.

possibly endure a fresh trial: he then graciously granted me a respite, and the morning soon after advancing, I got rid of farther importunity, till Mrs. Cole, being rang for by him, came in, and was made acquainted in terms of the utmost joy and rapture, with his triumphant certainty of my virtue, and the finishing stroke he had given it, in the course of the night; of which he added, she would see proof enough, in bloody characters, on the sheets.

You may guess how a woman of her turn of address and experience, humour'd the jest, and play'd him off with mix'd exclamations of shame, anger, compassion for me, and of her being pleas'd that all was so well over; in which last, I believe, she was perfectly sincere. And now, as the objection which she had represented as an invincible one, to my lying the first night at his lodgings (which were studiously calculated for a freedom of intrigues) on the account of my maiden fears and terrors, at the thoughts of go-

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