Page:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1749, vol. 2).pdf/131

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Woman of Pleasure.

moderation, aod disinterestness, she refus'd any share of the sum I had thus earn'd, and put me into such a secure and easy way of disposing of my affairs, which now amounted to a kind of little fortune, that a child of ten years old might have kept the account, and property of them safe in its hands.

I was now restor'd again to my former state of a kept mistress, and us'd punctually to wait on Mr. Norbert at his chambers, whenever he sent a messenger for me, which I constantly took care to be in the way of, and manag'd with so much caution that he never once penetrated the nature of my connexions with Mrs. Cole, but indolently given up to ease, and the town-dissipations, the perpetual hurry to them hinder'd him from looking into his own affairs, much less into mine.

In the mean time, if I may judge from my own experience, none are better paid, or better treated, during their reign, than the mistresses of those who, enervate by nature, debaucheries, or age, have the

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