Page:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1749, vol. 2).pdf/136

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Memoirs of a

life-time, and led me into the next convenient tavern, where we were shown in to a little room on one side of the passage. Here, scarce allowing himself patience till the drawer brought in the wine call'd for, he fell directly on board me: when untucking my handkerchief, and giving me a smacking buss, he laid my breasts bare at once, which he handled with that keenness of gust that abridges a ceremonial ever more tiresome than pleasing on such pressing occasions; and now hurrying towards the main-point, we found no conveniency for our purpose; two or three disabled chairs, and a ricketty table composing the whole furniture of the room).

Without more ado, he plants me with my back standing against the wall, and my petticoats up; and coming out with a splitter indeed, made it shine, as he brandish'd it, in my eyes, and going to work with an impetuosity and eagerness, bred very likely by a long fast at sea, went to give me the taste of it: I strad-
