Page:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1749, vol. 2).pdf/152

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Memoirs of a

I drew his breeches quite down to his knees; and now he lay, in all the fairest, broadest display of that part of the back-view, in which a pair of chubby, smooth-cheek'd, and passing white posteriours rose cushioning upwards from two stout, fleshful thighs, and ending their cleft, or separation, by an union at the small of the back, presented a bold mark, that swell'd, as it were, to meet the scourge.

Seizing now one of the rods, I stood over him, and, according to his direction, gave him, in one breath, ten lashes with much good-will, and the utmost nerve and vigour of arm that I could put to them, so as to make those fleshy orbs quiver again under them, whilst himself seem'd no more concern'd, or to mind them, than a lobster would a fleabite: in the mean time, I view'd intently the effects of them, which to me at least appear'd surprisingly cruel: every lash had skimm'd the surface of those white cliffs, which they deeply redden'd, and lapping round the side of the further-
