Page:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1749, vol. 2).pdf/64

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Memoirs of a

my account that this convention was met, the parties intended at once to humour their taste of variety in pleasures, and by an open publick enjoyment, to see me broke of any taint of reserve or modesty, which they look'd on as the poison of joy: that though they occasionally preached pleasure, and lived up to the text, they did not enthusiastically set up for its missionaries, and only indulg'd themselves in the delights of a practical instruction of all the pretty women they lik'd well enough to bestow it upon, and fell properly in the way of it, but that as such a proposal might be too violent, too shocking for a young beginner; the older standers were to set an example, which he hop'd I would not be averse to follow, since it was to him I was devolv'd in favour of the first experiment; but that still I was perfectly at my liberty to refuse the party, which being in its nature one of pleasure, suppos'd an exclusion of all force, or constraint.
