Page:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1749, vol. 2).pdf/67

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Woman of Pleasure.

heaves, keeping time so exactly with the most pathetic sighs, that one might have number'd the strokes in agitation by their distinct murmurs, whilst her active limbs kept wreathing and intertwisting with his in convulsive folds: Then the turtle-billing kisses, and the poignant painless love bites, which they both exchang'd in a rage of delight, all conspiring towards the melting period; it soon came on, when Louisa, in the ravings of her pleasure-frensy, impotent of all restraint, cry'd out: "Oh Sir!——Good Sir——pray do not spare me! ah! ah!——I can no more." And all her accents now faultering into heart-fetch'd sighs, she clos'd her eyes in the sweet death, in the instant of which she was deliciously embalm'd by an injection, of which we could easily see the signs, in the quiet, dying, languid posture of her late so furious driver, who was stopp'd of a sudden, breathing short, panting; and for that time, giving up the spirit of pleasure,
