Page:Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society V.djvu/295

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Pes dĭlyĭ′li da‘honíhe ásde nahaníya.
Knives yellow dangle high from he arrives.
Nisása dĭnĭgíni, síka tóta.
Your treasures you holy one, for my sake not.

In endeavoring to explain the meaning of this song, the singer related that Nayénězgani said to his mother, "You are the divine one, not I." She replied, "No, you are the divine one." They were exchanging compliments. Then he said, "Not for my sake, but for yours, were these treasures (weapons, etc.) given by the Sun. They are yours." For the meaning of bizá (his treasure), see note 246. Nizá or nĭza means your treasure; the last syllable is here repeated perhaps as a poetic plural. The houses of knives are said to be the different chambers in the house of the Sun. Meaningless syllables are omitted in this text.



Kạt Nayénězgani sĭdeyáïye,
Now Slayer of the Alien Gods I come (or approach) with,
Pes dĭlyĭ′li behogánde sĭdeyáïye,
Knives dark from house made of I come with,
Pes dĭlyĭ′li da‘honíhe sĭdeyáïye,
Knives dark from where they dangle high I come with,
Sa‘ alíli sĭdeyáïye, aníhoyele anieyáhi ainé.
For me an implement of the rites I come with, to you dreadful (no meaning).


Kat To'badzĭstsíni sĭdeyáïye,
Now Child of the Water I come with,
Pes dolgási[1] behogánde sĭdeyáïe,
Knives serrate from house made of I come with,
Pes dolgási dahoníde sĭdeyáïye,
Knives serrate from where they dangle high I come with,
Sa‘ alíli sĭdeyáïye, aníɗĭgĭnle aineyáhi ainé.
For me an implement of the rites I come with, to you sacred (divine, holy) (no meaning).


Kạt Léyaneyani sĭdeyáïye,
Now Reared Beneath the Earth, I come with,
Pes althasaí behogánde sĭdeyáïye,
Knives of all kinds from house made of I come with,
Pes althasaí da‘honíde sĭdeyáïye,
Knives of all kinds from where they dangle high I come with,
Sa‘ alíli sĭdeyáïye, aníhoyéle, aineyáhi ainé.
For me an implement of the rites I come with, to you dreadful, (no meaning).


Kat Tsówenatlehi sĭdeyáïye,
Now Changing Grandchild I come with,
Pes lĭtsói behogánde sĭdeyáïye,
Knives yellow from house made of I come with,
Pes lĭtsói da‘honíde sĭdeyaiye,
Knives yellow from where they dangle high I come with,
Sa‘ alíli sĭdeyáïye, anídĭgĭnle aineyáhi ainé.
For me an implement of the rites I come with, to you sacred (no meaning.)
  1. 264