Page:Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, Volume 1.djvu/433

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77. Pecten maximus (Ostrea sp.), Linnæus.

Loc., fossil. Ireland, rare.

Loc., living. Celtic and Scandinavian Seas.

78. Pecten opercularis (Ostrea sp.), Linnæus.

Syn., P. plebeius and sulcatus of the Mineral Conchology.

Loc., fosssil. Clyde beds. Mammaliferous crag of Southwold.

Loc., living. Throughout the European Seas.

Note. Is found fossil in both coralline and red crags.

79. Pecten varius (Ostrea sp.), Linnæus.

Loc., fossil. Scotland? Wexford, but very rare. [Sweden.]

Loc., living. Throughout the European Seas.

80. Pecten sinuosus (Ostrea sp.), Linnæus.

Syn., Pecten striatus of the Mineral Conchology (fossil in the red and coralline crags) can scarcely be distinguished from this species. Pecten distortus, Montagu. Pecten pusio, Pennant The young shell is the Pecten pusio of Turton, and Pecten spinosus of Brown. It can scarcely be distinguished from the adult Mediterranean pusio.

Loc., fossil. Ireland. The Clyde.

Loc., living. Celtic and Scandinavian Seas.

81. Pecten triradiatus, Muller.

Syn., P. obsoletus of British authors.

Loc., fossil. In the mammaliferous crag of Bramerton. Loch Lomond beds.

Loc., living. Celtic and Scandinavian Seas.

Note. Occurs in the red crag.

82. Ostrea edulis. Linnæus.

Loc., fossil. Frequent in the drift of Scotland and Ireland.

Loc., living. Seas of Celtic and Northern Europe. Coast of the United States (if identical with Ostrea borealis). Dr. Gould says, "The oystermen maintain that our shell is identical with the English O. edulis; and there are certainly forms in which the American and European specimens could not be distinguished."—Invertebrata of Massachusetts, p. 138.

Note. In the coralline crag. Nyst enumerates it among the Campinian fossils of Belgium.

83. Anomia ephippium, Linnæus.

Loc., fossil. English and Irish drift, and Sweden.

Loc., living. Throughout the seas of Europe. Coasts of the United States and Canada.

84. Anomia squamula, Linnæus.

Syn., (var.) Anomia aculeata, Gmelin.

Loc., fossil. Irish drift. Bridlington.

Loc., living. Throughout the European Seas, and on the coast of Boreal America.


85. Dentalium entalis, Linnæus.

Loc., fossil. Isle of Man. North of England. Wales. Ireland. Bridlington.