Page:Memoirs of the Lives.djvu/39

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are not made slaves by any direct law, but are held by an arbitrary and self-interested custom, in which you participate. And especially you who profess 'to do unto all men as ye would they should do unto you'—and yet, in direct opposition to every principle of reason, humanity, and religion, you are forcibly retaining your fellow men from one generation to another, in a state of unconditional servitude; you might as well throw off the plain coat as I do"—(here he loosed the button, and the great coat falling behind him, his warlike appearance was exhibited to his astonished audience) and proceeded—"It would be as justifiable in the sight of the Almighty, who beholds and respects all nations and colours of men with an equal regard, if you should thrust a sword through their hearts as I do through this book." He then drew his sword and pierced the bladder, sprinkling its contents over those who sat near him.

On another occasion, when a deep snow was on the ground, he stationed himself at