Page:Memoirs of the Lives.djvu/53

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in considering the trade which at that day was extensively carried on with the West Indies; and says, "We send away our excellent provisions and other good things, to purchase such filthy stuff, which tends to the corruption of mankind, and they send us some of their worst slaves, when they cannot rule them themselves, along with their rum to complete the tragedy; that is to say, to destroy the people in Pennsylvania, and ruin the country."

In fulfilling the purposes of his universal philanthropy, he devoted a portion of his time to visiting schools, and embraced every proper opportunity of impressing the susceptible minds of children with a just and reverent sense of their duties toward God— enforcing the importance of early establishing themselves in habits of order, sobriety, and frugality—inculcating the principles of humanity by simple illustrations, and recommending it to them to be governed through life by the precepts, and to follow the meek and humble example of our holy Redeemer,