Page:Memoirs of the Lives.djvu/81

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extracts from that instrument are here inserted.

"Be it remembered that I Ralph Sandiford, of Lower Dublin, in the County of Philadelphia, merchant, being sick in body, but of sound mind and memory, (Praised be the Lord) do make this my last will and testament, in manner following: First, I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker, hoping through the meritorious death, and passion of Jesus Christ, my only Saviour and Redeemer, to be everlastingly saved—Also I commit my body to the earth, to be therein decently buried at the discretion of my executors, herein after nominated. And as to what worldly effects it hath pleased the Lord to bestow upon me, (after my just debts and funeral expenses are truly paid and discharged) I dispose thereof as followeth:

"First, I give to the meeting of the men and women of the People called Quakers,