Page:Memoirs of the Lives.djvu/83

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His body was buried in a field, on his own farm,[1] near the house where his terrestrial existence was peacefully terminated.

The executors of his will had the grave enclosed with a balustrade fence, and caused a stone[2]to be placed at the head of it, thus inscribed—

"In Memory of
"Ralph Sandiford
"Son of John Sandiford
"of Liverpool, he Bore
"A Testimony against the
"Negro Trade & Dyed
"ye 28th. of ye 3d. Month
"1733. Aged 40 years.

  1. This farm is now occupied by S. Griffiths. Part of it is within the precincts of a Hamlet, and some of the proprietors of land there, have proposed designating it by the name of Sandiford. To do so, would certainly be highly creditable to the feelings of those who should thus manifest their respect for the memory of an individual so worthy as Ralph Sandiford.
  2. The author copied the epitaph from the stone, which was found broken in two pieces, laying; near a