Page:Memoirs of the United States Secret Service.djvu/139

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Among the portraits which are scattered through this volume, are several engraved from photographs of leading Detectives in the United States Secret Service; which pictures represent these gentlemen, fairly au naturel. The brief account in our present chapter relates to Thomas E. Lonergan, now resident at Chicago, Ill.

Mr. Lonergan has been highly successful in his official experience, and in some of the most important captures of counterfeiters in America, he has taken an active part in the success resulting.

He is a native of Lockport, Ill., where he was born, in 1844. He was educated at the University of Notre Dame, Ind., which he left in the year 1861, at the breaking out of the rebellion, at which time he entered the Union army as a private soldier—joining the 90th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, of which he was appointed Sergeant Major.

After serving creditably in the Union army at the South, Mr. Lonergan passed examination for and received an appointment to West Point Military Academy, from the "Army of the Tennessee " in October, 1863. He was rec-