Page:Memoirs of the United States Secret Service.djvu/141

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Mr. Lonergan is, at this writing, in the prime of manhood, of good features, well made frame, though not oversized, and in the course of the performance of his duties has proved himself a shrewd, careful, discreet and enterprising aid in the detection of criminals; while his general success has been quite equal to that of his compeers, among whom he is justly and favorably esteemed.

He is now less than thirty years old, but in the course of his career as Detective, he has worked up individually, or in conjunction with associates in the Service, several very important cases of criminal offenders where conviction and imprisonment have followed upon the arrests made by him; and at this time he enjoys the confidence of his superiors in an eminent degree, as well as the good will and favor of the business community, whose best interests he looks after so carefully and so well.

In the pages of our present volume, further on, will be found under the caption of "Eli Brown, of Chicago," an interesting account of a most curious case worked up through Mr. Lonergan's management, to the details of which incidents the reader is referred more particularly for the characteristics and skill of Mr. L. as a Detective officer.