Page:Memorable Battle of Bannockburn.pdf/3

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So confident of success, a bard they brought along,
To celebrate the glory of their actions in a song;
And in their retinue they brought some waggon loads of chains,
To lead their Scottish captives in triumph o’er the plains.

An Asiatic luxury their camp did overspread,
Up from their meanest centinel to Edward their head;
Of discipline regardless, the despicable few
They dream’d the very sight of their numbers would subdue;
Whilst English oaths from line to line did like to mildew flee,
The little Scottish army was found upon their knees,
The aid of heav’n imploring for a distressed land,
Then starting to their feet, they grasp’d their weapons in their hand.

Towards Stirling a march the Lord Clifford did steal,
But the bold Earl of Murray upon him did wheel;
Their spears made such havock, tho’ with foes encompass’d round.
That many gallant Englishmen lay gasping on the ground.
The sacred love of liberty did like a god inspire,
And made their haughty num’rous foes most prudently retire;