Page:Memorable Battle of Bannockburn.pdf/5

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O muse! thy kind assistance lend, to paint the warlike scene,
Else description will be lost in so lofty a theme.

From twanging strings the deadly shafts did fly as thick as hail;
The jav’lins, spears and faulchions as fiercely did prevail:
Each combatant on either side, such valour did display,
As on his single arm had hung the (illegible text) the day.
Renowned chiefs in shining steel bestrew’d the gory plain,
Till room was hardly left to fight for mountains of the slain;
The limpid stream of Bannockburn, which wont so smooth to glide,
Was totally converted to a sanguinary tide.

As a rock in the ocean with fortitude braves
Th’ impetuous assault of the proud swelling waves,
When with formidable efforts they beat the solid stone
Which repels the angry surges in white lashing foam,
Thus the hardy Scots intrepidly their num’rous foes repell’d,
On right and left with total rout their boasted courage quell’d.