Page:Memorable Battle of Bannockburn.pdf/7

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They boldly fought for liberty, for honour, and applause,
And defy’d the power of England’s king to alter their laws.


Of late you have heard of two lovers
That lived near yon castle so high;
To the green woods they oftimes resorted,
While the owl from the forest did cry.
When he gaz’d on the blooming young creature,
Her beauteous enchanting eyes,
Evinced her heart it was captur’d
By one that soon did her despise.

They ranged the woods with great pleasure;
Their weary limbs oft did repose;
A large spreading oak was their covert,
’Twas there they their minds did disclose.
He told her, her worth was so precious,
That he never could her deceive;
Enraptur’d with love, she exclaimed,
If you do, my death on you I’ll leave.

The rays of her pleasure shone brighter
Than the beams from the sun from on high,
But a dark dismal cloud soon appeared,
Proclaiming her ruin was nigh,
A breeze from that ocean of falsehood,
Did poison her pleasure with woe,