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Forty-five Years Under the Flag.

By Winfield Scott Schley, Rear-Admiral, U. S. N, Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth, uncut edges, and gilt top, $3.00 net.

About one-third of Admiral Schley's volume is devoted to the Spanish War, in which he became so great a figure. He tells his own story in simple and effective words. His recollections are constantly reinforced by references to dispatches and other documents.

Readers will be surprised at the extent of Admiral Schley's experiences. He left the Naval Academy just before the outbreak of the (Civil War and saw sei^vice with Farragut in the Gulf. Three chapters are devoted to Civil War events. His next important service was rendered during the opening of Corea to the commerce of the world, and the chapter in which he describes the storming of the forts is one of thrilling interest. Another important expedition in his life was the rescue of Greely, to which three chapters are devoted. Two other chapters pertain to the Revolution in Chili, and the troubles growing out of the attack upon some of Admiral Schley's men in the streets of Valparaiso.

Altogether the book contains thirty-eight chapters. It has been illustrated from material furnished by Admiral Schley and through his suggestions, and makes an octavo volume of large size. It will appeal to every true-hearted American.

The author says in his preface : "In times of danger and duty the writer endeavored to do the work set before him without fear of consequences. With this thought in mind, he has felt moved, as a duty to his wife, his children, and his name, to leave a record of his long professional life, which has not been without some prestige, at least for the flag he has loved and under which he has served the best years of his life."

"Rear-Admiral W. S. Schley's 'Forty-five Years Under the Flag' is the most valuable contribution to the history of the American Navy that has been written in many a year. "—New York Times.

"The author's career is well worthy of a book, and he has every reason for pride in telling of his forty-five active years in all parts of the world."—Edwin L. Shuman in the Chicago Record-Herald.

"It is a stirring story, told with the simple directness of a sailor. Its reading carries the conviction of its truthfulness. The Admiral could not have hoped to accomplish more."—Chicago Evening Post.

"He has told his own story, in his own way, from his own viewpoint, and goes after his detractors, open and above board, with his big guns."—Washington Post.

"It is a work that will interest everyone, from the sixteen-year-old schoolboy who is studying history and loves tales of stirring adventure to the grandsire whose blood still pulses hotly with patriotic pride at the recounting of valiant deeds of arms under our starry flag."—Boston American.

"The Admiral tells the story well. His is a manly and straightforward style. He leaves nothing to doubt, nothing open to controversy."—Baltimore Sun.