Page:Men of Mark in America vol 2.djvu/101

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laxation has been his "work, horseback riding; the society of young people; anything to make one laugh heartily." "Deep breathing" he finds effective in preventing colds. Circumstances led to his choice of the army. "I chose deliberately. Duty kept me in my profession after the outbreak of the war." One secret of General Howard's success has been adherence to his motto " to accomplish what I undertook." "I have always done my best when I leaned strongly upon the help of our Lord," he says. He places first among characteristics to be attained by young men, "principle, that is, a wholesome, Christian faith; second, method, that is, that they guide themselves by the head and the heart; third, habits, that is, system, diligence, healthful untiring efforts."

General Howard was married to Miss Elizabeth Anne Waite, February 14, 1855. They have had seven children, six of whom were living in 1905. Their oldest son, Lieutenant Colonel Guy Howard, United States army, was killed in action in the Philippines, October 22, 1899.