Page:Men of Mark in America vol 2.djvu/403

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of London, England, as "the fullest treatise in the language on its subject." He was appointed in 1904 by President Roosevelt as special counsel of the government of the United States before the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. His life work, the preparation of his great treatise entitled "The Origin and Growth of the English Constitution, in which is drawn out by the light of the most recent researches the gradual development of the English constitutional system, and the growth out of that system of the Federal Republic of the United States," was begun in 1872, the first volume was published in 1889 and the second volume, completing the work, in 1898. This work was formally adopted as a text-book by the senate of the University of Dublin and is used in the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh and as a text-book or book of reference by many of the leading American universities and law schools. The seventh edition of Volume I and the third edition of Volume II had already appeared in 1904, and "A Treatise on the Jurisdiction and Procedure of the Supreme Court of the United States" was published in 1905.

He received the honorary degree of LL.D. from the University of Edinburgh and from the University of Dublin, in June, 1904, in person; and from the Universities of North Carolina, of Alabama, of Mississippi, Tulane university of Louisiana, Washington and Lee university, and the University of Virginia.

He was married May 8, 1878, to Leonora, daughter of William A. and Eliza Le Baron of Mobile, Alabama; and their five children were living in 1906. Doctor Taylor, taking his own experience as his authority, advises young men if they desire to succeed, to take some serious subject or undertaking and work it out through years of persistent effort.