Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/1038

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Kertch; for which he obtained a brevet majority, the Turkish Medal, and the Order of the Medjidie, fourth class. In July, 1856, he was appointed Her Majesty's Commissioner for the Danube, under the Treaty of Paris. In 1861 he was nominated Vice Consul in the delta of the Danube, and in 1865 he signed the convention for regulating the navigation of the mouths of that river. He was in command of the Royal Engineers in South Wales from May, 1872, to Aug. 1873; British Commissioner on the International Tonnage Commission from Aug. to Dec. 1873; was employed on Suez Canal affairs in London and Egypt in 1874 and 1875, and representative of Great Britain in that company since 1876; was in command of the Royal Engineers at Chatham from Jan. to Nov. 1875; and was Commandant of the School of Military Engineering at Chatham from the latter date to 1881. He was attached to Mr. Cave's special mission to Egypt in Dec. 1875. He was promoted to a Lieutenant-Colonelcy in 1867, and became a full Colonel in 1876. In 1871 he was nominated a Companion of the Bath, and in 1877 a Knight Companion of the same Order (civil division). In 1881 he was appointed Deputy-Adjutant-General Royal Engineers.

STOKES, William, was born at Brighton, Mar. 20, 1886. After achieving remarkable success in his native town, he appeared in London, and on June 18, 1861, gave his first Lecture on Memory at the Royal Colosseum, Regent's Park, with which he was connected for about nineteen months, when it closed; and on Feb. 12, 1863, he delivered his first lecture at the Royal Polytechnic Institution, Regent Street, with which he was associated for nearly nineteen years, lecturing on the last day of that institution, Jan. 21, 1882. The soundness of Mr. Stokes's Theory of Memory, the simplicity and effectiveness of his Memory Aids, his singular gift of teaching, and his untiring energy and perseverance, have rendered him the most eminent Professor of Memory of the age. He has lectured and taught at Christ Church, Oxford; Trinity College, Cambridge; and at innumerable other colleges, schools, and places of entertainment throughout the kingdom; and his influence has extended to the colonies, America, and abroad. In addition to his popular treatise "Stokes on Memory," he has written the standard series of Memory Aiding works on Rapid Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Drawing, Music, and other subjects. He is now at the Polytechnic, which was re-opened on a fresh basis in Sept. 1882; and he gives frequent demonstrations of his system at the Royal Aquarium, Westminster.

STONE, Edward James, F.R.S., is of Devonshire extraction, but was born in London, Feb. 28, 1831. He commenced the study of both classics and mathematics late in life (when more than twenty). He graduated as fifth Wrangler at Cambridge in 1869, and was immediately elected a Fellow of Queen's College. He was appointed chief assistant at Greenwich in 1860; Her Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope in 1870; and Radcliffe Observer at Oxford in 1879. He has contributed a large number of papers on all branches of astronomy to the Royal Astronomical Society, and the results of experiments on the heating powers of stars, magnetic observations made in Namaquland, and a determination of the velocity of sound, to the Royal Society. Whilst at the Cape, besides reducing and publishing the observations made by his predecessor (Cape Catalogues, 1840, 1860), he commenced and completed a systematic observation of the Southern heavens from the South Pole to 115. N.P.D. The