Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/336

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in the (Ecumenical Council of the Vatican. When the Emperor determined on submitting the new iinatus congulte to be ratified by a pldbiseite. Count Daru tendered hia resigfnation, which was accepted (AprU 13, 1870). After the early disasters in the war against (Ger- many, he was appointed a member of the Committee of Defence, and sabsequently he withdrew to his deiMurtment of La Manche, where he devoted himself heart and soul to the task of org^ising forces to oppose the inyader. Thus he gained sach popularity, that at the elec- tions of Feb., 1871> he was sent by the department, at the head of the poll, to the National Assembly, where he voted with the Eight Centre. In 1873 he was one of the commission of nine who undertook the difficult task of re-establishing the Legitimate Monarchy in France. On Jan. 30, 1876, he was elected a Senator of the department of La Manche, as a candidate of the Con- servatiye Union. His term of office expired in Jan., 1879. He then failed to secure his re-election, and retired into private life. He was nominated an officer of the Legion of Honour in 1840, and elected a member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences in 1860.

DAE WIN, Gbobob Howabd, M.A., F.E.S., is an elder son of the late Charles Darwin. He was born in 1846, and in Oct. 1864, commenced residence at Trinity College, Cam- bridge, and was elected a scholar. He graduated in the Mathematical Tripos of 1868 as Second Wrangler, and was subsequently awarded the Second Smith's prize, Mr. W. F. Moulton, of St. John's, being his successful rival as Senior Wrangler and First Smith's Prizeman. Mr. Darwin was elected to a Fellowship at Trinity College in Oct. 1868. He left Cambridge and studied for the bar, and was called at Lincoln's Inn, April 30, 1872, but he never pur- sued the profession of the law, and

in 1873 he returned to Cambridge. In the winter of 1870-1 he took pirt in the Eclipse Expedition to Sicily, but in consequence of the unfavour- able weather no observation could be made. In 1879 he was elected a Fellow of the Eoyal Society, hav- ing three years previously made his first contribution to its Trans- actions by a paper "On the in- fluence of geological changes on the earth's axis of rotation." This was followed by several other contribu- tions, many of them attracting great notice in the scientific world, especially one read in Dec. 1878, "On the remote history of the Earth." Since 1876 Mr. Darwin has been principally occupied with mathematical and physical investi- gations connected with the study of astronomy, and since 1877 the greater part of his labour has been directed to an investigation in physical astronomy, the results of which have been published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Eoyal Society. He has also been engaged, in conjunction with Mr. F. Darwin, his brother, in ex- perimental work at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, the results of which were communicated to the British Association at its meetings at York and Southampton. At the meeting of the British Association in 1882 he was, in conjunction with Professor Ad^s, appointed to act on a committee for the revision of the method of harmonic analysis of tidal observation, and in the same year he was engaged in assisting Sir William Thomson in the preparation of the second part of the new edition of " Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy." On Jan. 16, 1883, he was elected to the Plumian Professorship of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy at Cambridge, vacant by the deatii of the Eev. James Challis, M.A., F.E.S. In addition to the works above enu- merated. Professor Darwin is a fre- quent contributor to Nature and other scientific periodicals.