Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/442

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I has at present under con- L the Limerick and Kerry

the Didcot, Newbui'y, and

ipton Railway ; the Water- 1 Wexford Railway ; and works at Tralee, and at . Mr. Fowler is consulting to the Great Western Rail- Great Northern Railway, T companies, and until the jhange of government in md the suspension of all present expenditure on B acted in a similar capacity pect to the important Go- t and Khedivial works in mtry. Mr. John Fowler in 1850, Emily, daughter te James Broadbent, Esq., hester, and has four sons, st of whom, John Arthur married, in 1878, Alice ughter of Sir Edward Clive C.S.I.

jER, The Rev. Thomas, L.D., F.S.A., was born at Jtather, Lincolnshire, Sept. md educated at King Wil- allege. Isle of Man, and at College, Oxford, where he id as a double-first classman He was elected to a f ellow- lincoln College in 1855, and d to a tutorship in the same io was Junior Proctor of versity in 1862-3, Select

• in 1872-4, and has fre- icted as Public Examiner hool of LitersB Humaniores. ler is now a member of the idal Council, to which he t elected in 1869, Pro-

• Logic, to which he was n 1873, and President of Ihristi College, to which he «d Dec. 23, 1881. He has

the honorary degree of Prom the University of jh. He is author of the its of Deductive Logic," h ed. 1880); the " Ele- i Inductive Logic," 1870 L876) J both of which works dlished by the Clarendon lich has aJso published an

elaborate edition of Bacon's - Novum Organum," by Mr. Fowler, with an Introduction and notes, 1878, as well as an edition by him of Locke's "Con- duct of the Understiinding," 18S1 ( 2nd ed . 1 882 ) . In addition to these works, Mr. Fowler is the author of •* Locke " in the series of ** English Men of Letters," and of " Bacon," and " Shaftesbury and Hutcheson," in the series of *' English Philoso- phers.**

FRANCILLON, Robert Edward, eldest son of James Francillon, County Court Judge, was born at Gloucester in 1841, and educated at the Cheltenham College and at Trinity Hall, Caiuljridge. He was a scholar of that Hall, and graduated in the first class of the Law Tripos of 1862 J was called to the bar at Gray's Inn in 1864, joined the Oxford circuit, and was, during 1S67, editor of the Law Magazine. His first work of fiction was " Grace Owen's Engagement," which ap- peared in Blackwood's Magazine in 1868. As a novelist, he is the author of "Earl's Dene," 1870; " Pearl and Emerald," 1872 ; " Zel- da*8 Fortune," 1873 ; " Olympia," 1874; "A Dog and His Shadow," 1876 ; and " Strange Waters," 1878. He was editor and principal writer of " Like a Snowball," and " Streaked with Gold," published at Christmas, 1874 and 1875 respectively ; and sole author of ** Rare Good Luck " and " In the Dark," Christmas, 1876, 1877. During the same period he has also contributed several novelettes and shorter tales to Blackwood, the Gc7itleman*s Maga- zine, All the Year Round, and other magazines, and many articles, chiefly critical and social, to these and various journals. He was for some time on the staff of the Globe news- paper, and in 1872 he re-published, under the title of " National Cha- racteristics : and Flora and Fauna of London," a series of sketches which had originally appeared in that journal. He has also written many well-known songs for music.